
#4 - .50 caliber clarinet

.50 caliber clarinet

woodwinds and brass
strings and percussion
these are but small units
yet when they gather
they are a whole
sometimes Conflicted
a Battle
sometimes Harmonious
a Union

who is to say
what it is that makes
A woodwind a woodwind
the strings strung
the creator of the instrument
he that holds its neck
its barrel or joint
he that plays it
makes it do his will

guns and knives
planes and bombs
these are but small units
yet when they gather
they are a whole
sometimes Conflicting
in Combat
sometimes at Peace
an Armistice

who is to say
what it is that makes
a gun a weapon
a knife a bayonet
the creator of the instrument
he that holds its hilt
its barrel or its stock
he that uses it
makes it do his will

1 comment:

  1. Oooh I like this one too! very political. and once again, i agree! :)

